Da storee behind dis contest - well Mawmee waz in Walgreenz gettin our noo fotohz defelopped. She saw dey gots a way to makes ur favfurite fotohz on tee shurts!
Mawmee thot dat bee fun ta havs fur sure! And we coodz help our bloggin frinds hav fun too?!? We sure wants ta givs away sum funny fotoh tee shurts, but we cant doo dat ifns nobuddee enturz or donates money fur dis fun contest!
We knoh u iz all cute babiez . Dehr gotz ta be lots ov fotohz or storees u couds share!!!
Weze chekin to cheepur wayz ta make tee shurt prizez din frum Walgreenz, cuz dey wantz bout 17 green fings. Aftur postage dat be bout 20 green fings! If any buddee knohs a good way ta make deze shurtz - pleeze leeve us a commint. We cood print transfurs our selves, but not sure how goods dey wood look.
Also -
Weze gotted a question frum a cat bloggur:
Hi, Katie, I only have a minute, so this will be short. But I remember a guy who wanted to raise money, so he asked folks to "donate" to enter a writing contest and buy the prize out of that money. He never got one penny or one entry. I know I wouldn't have entered it. Have you considered changing the rules and the prize to just something small and fun, like a fun graphic of the winner with a crown on his/her head -- or something free? Just a suggestion.
Sohs weze thot about dis and wrotes hur bak!
"We couds doo a funny grafik n stuffoms.... Weze gotted an email dat a furry nise kitty lady wants ta sends us sum prizes to hands out - squillions n stuffoms. We dids get a small donashun alreadeez (which we gave to Moki who iz furry sick) n too entriez frum da Creek Catz.
Dis here contest iz free!!!
Ifns sumbuddeez wants dey kin makes a donashun towards da prize n fundraisin... but nobuddeez hafs too... Ifns no buddeez helps wif da prizes, din we hafs silly grafix prizes!! I likes da crown on da head! Dats sounds like fun!"
Soh whatevfur happinz wif dis hear contest, fanks fur enturin and suppurrtin us howevfurs u kan....
And we desided dat evfurry buddeez who enturs will getz a funny grafix wifs a crown on dehr head! Da winnurs one will say dey iz da funniest winnur.
We still likes makin tee shurts - soh we keeps lookin fur a cheep way ta do dat wifout losin qualitee.
Katie One and Bootsie Woo,
Ofishul Contest Moderatur.
Katiez Furry Mewz where Daisy tells about da silly shoe clurk!!
ifns we gits dohs squillionz, dey be goods fur fun prizes too! Katie One n Bootsie Woo.
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