Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Creek Cats Entry

Cattygory: Funny Photos
Area: Kittehz
Name: Chevelle
My Bloggie link:
The Creek Cats


Name: Sylvester
Cattygoree: Bridge Babies Fotohz
Area: Kittehz
My Bloggie link: The Creek Cats

Weze doo tituls latur!!

Contest Noos n Questionz #1


Da storee behind dis contest - well Mawmee waz in Walgreenz gettin our noo fotohz defelopped. She saw dey gots a way to makes ur favfurite fotohz on tee shurts!
Mawmee thot dat bee fun ta havs fur sure! And we coodz help our bloggin frinds hav fun too?!? We sure wants ta givs away sum funny fotoh tee shurts, but we cant doo dat ifns nobuddee enturz or donates money fur dis fun contest!

We knoh u iz all cute babiez . Dehr gotz ta be lots ov fotohz or storees u couds share!!!

Weze chekin to cheepur wayz ta make tee shurt prizez din frum Walgreenz, cuz dey wantz bout 17 green fings. Aftur postage dat be bout 20 green fings! If any buddee knohs a good way ta make deze shurtz - pleeze leeve us a commint. We cood print transfurs our selves, but not sure how goods dey wood look.

Also -
Weze gotted a question frum a cat bloggur:

Hi, Katie, I only have a minute, so this will be short. But I remember a guy who wanted to raise money, so he asked folks to "donate" to enter a writing contest and buy the prize out of that money. He never got one penny or one entry. I know I wouldn't have entered it. Have you considered changing the rules and the prize to just something small and fun, like a fun graphic of the winner with a crown on his/her head -- or something free? Just a suggestion.

Sohs weze thot about dis and wrotes hur bak!
"We couds doo a funny grafik n stuffoms.... Weze gotted an email dat a furry nise kitty lady wants ta sends us sum prizes to hands out - squillions n stuffoms.
We dids get a small donashun alreadeez (which we gave to Moki who iz furry sick) n too entriez frum da Creek Catz.

Dis here contest iz free!!!

fns sumbuddeez wants dey kin makes a donashun towards da prize n fundraisin... but nobuddeez hafs too... Ifns no buddeez helps wif da prizes, din we hafs silly grafix prizes!! I likes da crown on da head! Dats sounds like fun!"

Soh whatevfur happinz wif dis hear contest, fanks fur enturin and suppurrtin us howevfurs u kan....

And we desided dat evfurry buddeez who enturs will getz a funny grafix wifs a crown on dehr head! Da winnurs one will say dey iz da funniest winnur.

We still likes makin tee shurts - soh we keeps lookin fur a cheep way ta do dat wifout losin qualitee.

Katie One and Bootsie Woo,
Ofishul Contest Moderatur.
Katiez Furry Mewz where Daisy tells about da silly shoe clurk!!

ifns we gits dohs squillionz, dey be goods fur fun prizes too! Katie One n Bootsie Woo.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Which Way iz Up? (Sample Entry)

Which Way Iz Up!
Hiya!! My name iz Daisy May Daffodil. Mawmee caught dis funny fotoh while we waz playin. Ifns dis waz a reel entry, Dis how Ize woud entur:

Title: Which Way Iz Up!
Cattygory: Funny Fotohz
Area: Kittehz
Name: Daisy May Daffodil
My Bloggie link:
Katiez Furry Mewz

Cuz Ize gotz ovfur sisfurz, Ize only gonna enter one in dis cattygory. Ifnz u cant desides which fotoh u likes best, u kins entur more din one, but pleeze noh morh din three entriez pur famblee pur area.

I cantz entur da bridge Cattygoreez, but Mawmee couds post sumpin in dat cattygoree fur my bruvfurz datz dehr. Here iz a sampul uv dat:

Title: Pweze Rub My Tummy!
Name: Puzzles' Spunky Bear (when him was wittel)
Cattygoree: Bridge Babies Fotohz
Area: Kittehz
My Bloggie link: Katiez Furry Mewz

Here is anuver idea. Ifnz I had hid da flashee fing and I did sumpin funny and Katie Too or my Mawmee saws me doin sumpin, din she coudz entur dat n tattle tail on me!!

Also, one uv my ovfur sibbiez kins entur an area in da Fotoh or Story Cattygoree too!

Ifns you gots questions, pleeze email Mawmee at laugh_safely(ats)yahoo(dot)com or furryfunnyfotohz(ats)gmail(dot)com

Daisy May Daffodil

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Welcome to da Furry Funny Fotoh Contest!!

Dis iz da bloggee ta enturs ur funny fotohz!
Deyz kins be cutsie, funny, or silly

Dis furst contest be fur Cellybratin Katiez Furry Mews Hundredth Postie!! And Ize Bootsies n gets ta moderate cuz I waz voted da funniest sisfur!

Lessee... whats weze tell u furstid. FURST UVS ALL Enterin n Votin in dis
To findz outz how ta entur, pleeze emailz FurryFunnyFotohz (ats) gmail(dot)com.
But weze ask if u kan, pleese donates sumpin towardz creatin da prizez -
which we wants ta be a furry funnee shurt in each uv da CattyGoreez!!!!
Weze finks deze shurts will cost less den twenty Amerikan green fingz includin postage ta send. Weze wants to sends a leest 4 shurts - 1 fur each cattygoree.
Pleeze use da donatin button located at da top of dis hear bloggie.

(We may be able to haves a winnur purr areaz in each cattygorree ifns enuf monee gets donated. ifnz dat happinz, we hafs a teeshurt pur area winnur. ovfurwise, weze haz a difurrent prize pur area.)

Each winner will getz a teeshurt wif dehr funnee fotoh onit!
Furst proceedz will goh to makin da prizes.
Leftovfur proceeds will helps da Katie Katz pay dehr vet bills and
Granmawmee pays hur mortgage soh weze don lose our livin plasez!!!

Dis contest will goez on at least til Feburrywaree 5th, cuz datz Mawmeez purthday.
It may gohs on longur ifnz we dontz haves enuf entriez in each cattygoree.

Weze goh ovfur how to votes when da contest entriez iz all dun.
Otay... weze tellz u bouts da cattygorees... and amember to ask questionz by leevin a commintz or emailin laugh_safely ats yahoo(dot)com or furryfunnyfotohz ats gmail(dot)com

Weze hurd dat sum u babeez hides da flashee fing frum ur mawmeez when u doo cutsie n funny stuffoms! Weze gonna havs a cattygoree fur dat - Funny Storeez!!
And Whatz about Babeez datz gone ovfur da bridge??
Soh dehr be Four Main Cattygorees -
1) Furry Funny Fotohz
2) Bridge Babiez: Furry Funny Fotohz
3) Funny Storeez: (about sumpinz dat caretakur beanz didnt getz a fotoh uv!)
4) Bridge Babiez: Funny Storeez
Wifin deze four main catty gorees iz deze Areaz
(wif or wifouts capshunz in da photo cattygoree):
Kittehz (kins be one or morh)

Doggiez (kins be one or morh):

Funni Bunniez (kins be one or morh):

Uvfur Babiez (likes ferretz, burdiez, hamzturs)

Double Funnee fur whens two furriez iz in same fotoh likes deze Zampullz:

or Dis
Here iz sum furstid rulez - but since dis iz our furst contest - we may change a rule ifnz we getz comments dat a purrtikular rule dontz werks fur sum reezon. Or we may adds a rule.

FURST UVS ALL Enterin dis CONTEST IZ FREE! But weze ask if u kan, pleese donates sumpin towardz creatin da prizez - which we wants ta be a furry funnee shurt in each uv da Cattygoreez wif Ur winnng Fotoh onit!!

In da case uv da Furry Funnee Storree Winnur, pleze sends us da fotoh dats u wants on ur teeshurt ifns ur storee winz.

Secondlee - effurry fotoh n storree has ta be famblee furrendly!! noh cursing effinz wif #$%. Dats not reelly original nor is it funnee...likes havin furry babiez be smokin or drinkin... anybuddeez kins do dat. We wants to havs G-Rated fun sohs young babiez n beans kin entur... you can send modest monty Q's doh.

And Pleeze choose Fotohs dats shows a natural poze. Ur Mawmees kin helps u fix da fotoh ifns dehr iz dusty spots or red eyez or sumpinz likes dat.

Ifns u not sure bout an entry sends a copy of it furst to laugh_safely ats afore you post.

1. Weze ask dats each furry famblee post up too three postiez in each Cattygoree. Fur exampullz: Ifns uze gotz doggiez and kittehz in ur famblee, u kin post one in da Kitteh areaz and onez in da double funnee area and one in da doggie areaz uvz a cattygoree.

or ifns uze onlee gotz kittehz...u kins post three kitteh fotohz and three funny storeez or sumpins likes dat. Ifns u can pleeze submit no morh den 7 fotohs all togevfur.

Heres a sampull uv jus sendin in three postiez: two storeez - one a bridge doggee and one uv a kitteh still wif u; a fotoh uvs ur kitteh and doggee togevfur.

2. Wif all posties, pleze leevez ur namez, a link to ur bloggiez and which Cattygoree n Area u iz postin in.

3. In da Storee Cattygoree, u kins use an illeestrayshun dat shows whats u looks like... like this fotoh here.

Course wifs Ize lookins so cutsie all da timez, Mai Storee Cattygoree post mite looks like a fotoh postie. So Ur storee gotz ta havz a least three sentences in too purreegrafs and kin be frum any points uv vue. U kin tellz ur own storee an why u hids da flashy fing or ur mawmee kin tell it or one uvz ur furry sibbies or sticky beanz... etceteraz. Try to describe what da fotoh wouds looks like ifns da flashy fings gotted it. But trys not ta makes it too wordee... more like da synopsis in da TeeVee Guide. Sumpin like dis:

Ize a wittel bootsie gurl. When Mawmee didnt hafs hur flashy fing, Ize was playin wifs my big sisfur Katie. Ize play fites wifs hur.

Now Katie iz biggur din me soh she finks she boss. She alwayz fitin rites sides ups. She alwayz tryin ta gets da bitey on me! But Ize shohs hur! Ize layz on my baks n pushes hur facie away wifs my fronts pawz!! She nots gonna bitey me!! noh surree!

Bootsie Woo.
Dis fur da Funny Storee Cattygoree, Area iz Kittehz.
My kitty blog iz
Katiez Furry Mewz

If itz hards to understand doh, uze mites get commints bout dat... and its okays to re-edit den as long as da contest is not closed fur votinz yet.

Now fur babeez datz wantz ta putz a capshun on derh funnee fotoh... pleeze lets me knoh ifns u dontz havs a picshur purrgram dat duz dat and we kin helps u sets up n I can haz cheezburger account.



Love Bootsie Woo.
Offishul Contest Moderator and
Voted Funniest Sisfur!!!